In Memoriam

In Memoriam

In Loving Rememberance of Our Classmates

Thomas Abele
(January 1995)

Mike Arnold
(Click for Obituary)

Edward "Buzz" Bennett
(April 1987)

Nancy Binley
(Click for Obituary)

Chuck Boone
(Click for Obituary)

Palmira Caparaso
(Click for Obituary)

Dave Casper
(Click for Obituary)

Jane Clary
(November 1987)

Mary Cole
(Click for Obituary)

Ruthann Collen
(Click for Obituary)

Linda Colwell
(December 2010)

Ellen Crewell
(Click for Obituary)

Jocelyn Daniels
(Click for Obituary)

Diane Dollard
(Click for Obituary)

Gaile Donaldson

Bev Everingham
(Click for Obituary)

Wanda Fish
(Click for Obituary)

Earl Flavin
(Click for Obituary)
August 23, 1998

David Franz
(Click for Obituary)

Lynne Fuller
(Click for Obituary)

Sue Fuller
(Click for Obituary)

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more info about

Since our last reunion, we have some pretty exciting things happen. My oldest daughter got married in 2012. Our first great great-grandchild Kenzie was born in 2014 and Leo was born this year and another boy will be making his debut this August. Wayne and I celebrated our 50th Wedding Anniversary in 2014.

(A comment with the Reunion Reservation - 09/09/16)

Sharon Gridley
(Click for Obituary)

(Obituary not available)

Judy Herchenroder
(Click for Obituary)

Terry Herrick
(Click for Obituary)

Pam Hill
(Click for Obituary)

Thomas Johnson
(November 3, 1983)

Bill Jones
(Click for grave site information)

Larry Kavanaugh
(Click for Obituary)

Kevin Keenan
(October 1984)

Ed Klink
(Click for Obituary)

Ed Klink
(Click for West Point Obituary)

Robert Kuhn
(Click for Obituary)

Joan Lawrence
(August 1969)

Peter Laurie
(Click for Obituary)

A comment from Peter
regarding the 50th Reunion

Kurt LeBesco
(Click for Obituary)

I am 70. (Sept '42). Married to Gloria since 2000. Gloria was born in Toufen, Taiwan in 1948. She came to America in the early '70's. I am her second husband. She is my third wife. I have two children with my first wife the former Peggy LaRose of Troy, NY. My older daughter Kathleen (1970) is Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at Marymount Manhattan College in NYC. She has provided me with one Grandchild. My younger daughter Pauline (1971) is a Sr. Probation Officer for Rensselaer County. She has provided me with three Grandchildren.

After somehow managing to Graduate from BC, I spent some time in college, and working, before enlisting in the Army. I spent the first year there in school and then was assigned to two different Nike Hercules batteries for the duration of my enlistment. The Nike Hercules System was an air defense weapon system employing tactical nuclear warheads. My function was to maintain the various RADARS and the computer that constituted the Fire Control area. Until this experience, I could not begin to fathom the power of computers and the career path and life journey that would follow.

After my military service I became a programmer. I liked doing this. I was good at it. During the early years there were just not enough people with this skill and I would job hop for more money. In my late 30's I realized that I better find the job I could retire from. At age 39 I was hired by Hitachi Data Systems, I was no longer a programmer, but rather a systems engineer and then a sales engineer. The run at this wonderful organization would last until age 51. Things always change, the computers we once sold for $4 million were going for 15% of that. Then someone figured out how to replace the industrial strength disk drives on the large computers with PC disks. Custom made became commodity and thousands of mainframe computer marketing reps and engineers (IBM, Amdahl and Hitachi) had to hit the pavement. I was one of them.

A week or so later I was approached by one of our customers (the NYS Court System) and offered a job. It was for a lot less money and I wanted to be a systems engineer again. I passed on it. That was a bad mistake! If I had taken that job then, I could have been retired for five years by now.

Some of the notable places I have worked or been assigned are: NYS Executive Dept., Eastern Airlines, Clarkson University, R.P.I., Bibliographic Retrieval Services, Bibliothèque Systématique (Paris), National Semiconductor, Hitachi Data Systems, Time Life Magazine Fulfillment, Fleet Bank, State University Research Foundation and the NYS Unified Court System.

I currently live on Berncliff Ave In Albany. The 23rd place I have lived since finishing B.C. My plans for retirement: Finish the book I started writing in he Summer of 2000. Become conversant in the Hungarian Language. Move to a warmer place. Visit Rio and Patagonia. Live longer than Queen Elizabeth, and lastly (adding a couple of things to Will Rogers famous quote) I would like to run out of air, money, good wine and Viagra at the same time! I would also like to die in my sleep but it would seem quite difficult to accomplish both?? A memorable photo from a few years back... Emperor for a day in Taiwan 2006 (Click on photo to enlarge).

Peter Leisenfelder
Auto Accident Article
(Click for Knickerbocker News story)

Phyllis Leonard
(Click for Obituary)

Virginia Lynch
(Click for Obituary)

Chuck Long
(Click here for Obituary)

Nancy Jo MacFarland
(Click for Eulogy)

Doug Martin
(Click for Obituary)

Harvey Martini (Center)

(Click here for Obituary)

Mike Mancuso
(Click for Obituary)

2015 Winter Newsletter

2012 Summer Newsletter

Mike with Grand Children, Tyler 8, Logan 5
and Samantha 12.

Mike's Grand Kids Tyler, Samantha and Logan, but we're not sure who the clown is...

This photo was sent to me by two of my dearest friends. Bob & Chuck made a trip, by car, around the USA & stopped in Manhattan, where I was living at the time. They spent about 2 or 3 days with me in my apartment. Here I am, in the Big Apple, at the old age of 23, dressed for my 1st big boy job as a sales rep for Carter's Infants Wear. Thought you would get a laugh out of this. Oh by the way I also had to have a business hat which was common in those days. Of course I never wore it, I only carried it around. If I wore it all you would see is my nose starring at you. (NY 1966)

Doug McAllister
(Click for Obituary)

Walt McDowell
(Click here for Obituary)

Click the link below for a
newspaper clipping of


Randy McKenry
(Click for Obituary)

When I decided to attend this years 55th high school reunion I had no idea what to expect, after all, I had not returned since I left during my junior year in high school. From the moment I stepped out of my car in the parking lot at the Legion Hall and met my first former classmate I felt welcomed. After walking up the stairs and meeting you I knew it would be a memorable weekend.

There were a few old classmates I was hoping to meet up with: Ed Van Alstyne, Lynne Snyder, Marty Heilmann, George Meyers and "Busty" Van Duzer. Well, 3 out of 5 wasn't bad. Since most of the classmates I knew back then either lived in my old neighborhood in Elsmere or played baseball, I didn't remember too many faces. I think I met more former classmates at the reunion than I knew when I was in school. What a great bunch of folks! Getting to know Linda Fuhrman was a real treat. I truly enjoyed talking with her, in spite of the fact that she out bowled me. Just kidding, neither one of us were very good but we had a great time.

I am so very glad I decided to come to the reunion. I had such a good time, met so many new people and had many great conversations. I have been talking about it ever since I got home.

Many heart felt thank yous to you and the entire reunion committee for putting on such a fabulous weekend event.

Randy McKendry

(An email from Randy to Bill McMillen - 09/24/16)

While I never managed to graduate with my BCHS Class of 1961 due to my family moving out of state midway through my junior year, I certainly would have preferred to. I was contacted prior to the 50th reunion but, due to other commitments, was unable to attend. Since I am no longer working full-time I would like to try to make this years 55th. If there is a schedule of events planned I would appreciate a copy.

It has been so long since I have been back in Delmar I doubt I will recognize the place. I'll be looking forward to touching base with a few old friends, like Ed Van Alstyne and Marty Heilman, if they are still around and some of the gals that were in my class as well. While Nancy Miller was my girl friend for a few years before I moved I remember a few of the other girls.

I could use a few pointers as to where to stay, etc. I will be coming by train and flying back to California.

Thank you,


(An email from Randy - 05/16/16)

Marge McKinney (Lois Diacetis)
(Click for Obituary)

Helen Milham
(Click for Obituary)

Ed Miller
(Click for Obituary)

Ed Miller with Linda Fuhrman in June of 2011

Ed loved Karaoke! He imitated Elvis, Dean Martin, and Conway Twitty and had been doing Karaoke for about 10 years. He entertained near his home in Florida at the Moose Club, Eagle Club, and the American Legion where he was a member of each. He was in Delmar for the month of June, 2013 where he performed at the Delmar Legion Hall for the crowd that included many Classmates.

Ed sings two of his favorites, "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime"
and "Can't Help Falling in Love" at the American Legion Post
on June 15th, 2013.

Helen and Tom Fresina, center and Ed Miller 2nd from left (A picture from Ed Miller)
(Click twice for larger image)

Sander's in Slingerlands in the 1940's
A photo from Ed Miller

Emma Miller
(Click here for Obituary)

Esther Murphy
(Click for Obituary)

Click the link below for a
newspaper clipping of


John Newell
Auto Accident Article
(Click for Knickerbocker News story)

Lynda Nunziato
(December 2009)

Carole Oppenlander
(Click for Obituary)

Edward Palmer
(Click for Tribute)

Sandra Pastori
(Click for Obituary)

Nancy Pipito
(Click for Obituary)

Daniel Poillon
(August 1965)

Susan Price
(September 1998)

James Rehbit
(Click for Obituary)

Click Here to view the Troy Record Article about
Jim's Memorial Golf Tournament.

Dave Roach
(Click for Obituary)

Joanne Romano
(Click for Obituary)

Jack Sellnow
(Click for Obituary)

Robert Simmons
(Click for Obituary)

Judy Skidmore
(Click for Memorial)

Sally Steinke
(Click for Obituary)

Emily Thomas

Bill Vadney
(Click for Obituary)

Gary Van Allen
(Click for Obituary)

Ed Van Alstyne
(Click for Obituary)

Russell Van Duzer Jr.
(Click for Obituary)

George Wriston, III
(January 1996)

Diane Walsh
(Click for Obituary)

(Passed March 30, 2023
No Obituary availible)

Carl Young
(Click for Obituary)

Now cracks a noble heart.
Good night, sweet prince,
and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.

--Hamlet, William Shakespeare