411 photos in 8 sub-albums

60th Reunion Photos from Saturday
60 photos
Photos taken by Marilyn Jones Fancher and her husband Norm at the Saturday BBQ at the Bethlehem Town Park on September 25, 2021
55th Reunion Photos from Friday Night
14 photos
Meet and greet at the American Legion Post in Elsmere taken by Louise Calisto Williams
55th Reunion Photos from Saturday
40 photos
Photos taken by Marilyn Jones Fancher and her husband Norm at the Saturday Clambake at Western Turnpike Golf Course on September 10, 2016.
50th Reunion Photos from Friday Night
48 photos
Photos taken by Marilyn Jones Fancher and her husband Norm at the Friday night gathering at the American Legion Post in Elsmere.
50th Reunion Photos taken in the Hospitality Room
11 photos
Photos taken by Marilyn Jones Fancher and her husband Norm in the Hospitality Room at the Fort William Henry Hotel on Lake George.
50th Reunion Photos from the Tour of the Hyde Collection
7 photos
Photos taken by Marilyn Jones Fancher and her husband Norm on the Tour of the Hyde Collection.
50th Reunion Photos from the Saturday Night Dinner
101 photos
Photos taken by Marilyn Jones Fancher and her husband Norm at the Saturday Dinner at the Fort William Henry Hotel on Lake George.